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Hogyan horgoljunk labdát?

Pár napig a váci kórház vendégszeretetét élveztem, így a legújabb horgolási kihívást innen próbáltam teljesíteni. Valami nyári dolgot kellett horgolni, és mivel tudtam (reméltem is), nem leszek bent sokáig, valami könnyű, gyors dolgot szerettem volna horgolni, mert ki tudja mekkora fájdalmaiam lesznek.


Mivel utolsó pillanatig dolgoztam a bemenetel előtt, így gyors ötlettől vezérelve kitaláltam a strandlabdát. A jó öreg retro labdát, ha már a retro a divat.


Ezt a labdát úgy készítettem el, hogy cikkeket horogltam a különböző színekből. Sárga, fehér, piros, kék. Fehérből többet, mert minden színes cikk után egy fehér jön. Ebben az esetben összesen hat  cikket készítettem. 

Többféleképpen lehet a cikket horgolni, én az alábbi angol nyelvű minta alapján készítettem:

 The pattern might look long and confusing, but it is really simple if you understand how it works. Rows 2-8 have one increase (2 sc in the same st) in the middle of the row. Rows 9-32 alternate between rows of all sc across and one increase in the middle of the row. Rows 33-55 alternate between rows of all sc across and one decrease (sc two sts together) in the middle of the row. Rows 56-63 have one decrease in the middle of the row.

Row 2: 2 sc in st, ch 1, turn (2 sc).

Row 3: sc, 2 sc in next st, ch 1, turn (3 sc).
Row 4: sc, 2 sc in next st, sc, ch 1, turn (4 sc).
Row 5: sc, sc, 2 sc in next st, sc, ch 1, turn (5 sc).
Row 6: sc, sc, 2 sc in next st, sc, sc, ch 1, turn (6 sc)
Row 7: sc, sc, sc, 2 sc, in next st, sc, sc, ch 1, turn (7 sc)
Row 8: sc, sc, sc, 2 sc, in next st, sc, sc, sc ch 1, turn (8 sc)
Row 9: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (8 sc)
Row 10: sc in each of first 3 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of remaining 4 sts, ch 1, turn (9 sc)
Row 11: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (9 sc)
Row 12: sc in each of first 4 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of remaining 4 sts, ch 1, turn (10 sc)
Row 13: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (10 sc)
Row 14: sc in each of first 4 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of remaining 5 sts, ch 1, turn (11 sc)
Row 15: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (11 sc)
Row 16: sc in each of first 5 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of remaining 5 sts, ch 1, turn (12 sc)
Row 17: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (12 sc)
Row 18: sc in each of first 5 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of remaining 6 sts, ch 1, turn (13 sc)
Row 19: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (13 sc)
Row 20: sc in each of first 6 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of remaining 6 sts, ch 1, turn (14 sc)
Row 21: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (14 sc)
Row 22: sc in each of first 6 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of remaining 7 sts, ch 1, turn (15 sc)
Row 23: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (15 sc)
Row 24: sc in each of first 7 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of remaining 7 sts, ch 1, turn (16 sc)
Row 25: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (16 sc)
Row 26: sc in each of first 7 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of remaining 8 sts, ch 1, turn (17 sc)
Row 27: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (17 sc)
Row 28: sc in each of first 8 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of remaining 8 sts, ch 1, turn (18 sc)
Row 29: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (18 sc)
Row 30: sc in each of first 8 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of remaining 9 sts, ch 1, turn (19 sc)
Row 31: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (19 sc)
Row 32: sc in each of first 9 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of remaining 9 sts, ch 1, turn (20 sc)
Row 33: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (20 sc)
Row 34: sc in each of first 9 sts, sc the next 2 sts together, sc in each of remaining 9 sts, ch 1, turn (19 sc)
Row 35: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (19 sc)
Row 36: sc in each of first 9 sts, sc the next 2 sts together, sc in each of remaining 8 sts, ch 1, turn (18 sc)
Row 37: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (18 sc)
Row 38: sc in each of first 8 sts, sc the next 2 sts together, sc in each of remaining 8 sts, ch 1, turn (17 sc)
Row 39: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (17 sc)
Row 40: sc in each of first 8 sts, sc the next 2 sts together, sc in each of remaining 7 sts, ch 1, turn (16 sc)
Row 41: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (16 sc)
Row 42: sc in each of first 7 sts, sc the next 2 sts together, sc in each of remaining 7 sts, ch 1, turn (15 sc)
Row 43: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (15 sc)
Row 44: sc in each of first 7 sts, sc the next 2 sts together, sc in each of remaining 6 sts, ch 1, turn (14 sc)
Row 45: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (14 sc)
Row 46: sc in each of first 6 sts, sc the next 2 sts together, sc in each of remaining 6 sts, ch 1, turn (13 sc)
Row 47: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (13 sc)
Row 48: sc in each of first 6 sts, sc the next 2 sts together, sc in each of remaining 5 sts, ch 1, turn (12 sc)
Row 49: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (12 sc)
Row 50: sc in each of first 5 sts, sc the next 2 sts together, sc in each of remaining 5 sts, ch 1, turn (11 sc)
Row 51: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (11 sc)
Row 52: sc in each of first 5 sts, sc the next 2 sts together, sc in each of remaining 4 sts, ch 1, turn (10 sc)
Row 53: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (10 sc)
Row 54: sc in each of first 4 sts, sc the next 2 sts together, sc in each of remaining 4 sts, ch 1, turn (9 sc)
Row 55: sc in each st across, ch 1, turn (9 sc)
Row 56: sc in each of first 4 sts, sc the next 2 sts together, sc in each of remaining 3 sts, ch 1, turn (8 sc)
Row 57: sc in each of first 3 sts, sc the next 2 sts together, sc in each of remaining 3 sts, ch 1, turn (7 sc).
Row 58: sc in each of first 3 sts, sc the next 2 sts together, sc in each of remaining 2 sts, ch 1, turn (6 sc).
Row 59: sc in each of first 2 sts, sc the next 2 sts together, sc in each of remaining 2 sts, ch 1, turn (5 sc).
Row 60: sc in each of first 2 sts, sc the next 2 sts together, sc in each of remaining st, ch 1, turn (4 sc).
Row 61: sc, sc the next 2 sts together, sc, ch 1, turn (3 sc).
Row 62: sc, sc the next 2 sts together, ch 1, turn (2 sc).
Row 63: sc the remaining 2 sts together, ch 1, turn (1 sc). Finish off. Weave in ends.

Természetesen lehet másképp is, mutatok pár rajzot. 

Forrás: Pinterest

Mindenki azt választja, ami neki a legszimpatikusabb, vagy amelyiket könnyebben el tudja készíteni. 

Forrás: Pinterest

Ha meg vannak a cikkek, akkor szépen elkezdem színt-színnel szembe fordítva összevarrni a cikkeket egymás után.

Vagy az oldalán vagy a tetején hagyjunk egy kis rést, ahol ki tudjuk tömni a labdát, miután kifordítottuk. 

Ezután meghorgoltam a labda aljára és a tetejére a kis kört, amivel el tudom fedni is a varrást, ha felül zártam be a nyílást. Én ez alapján készítettem.

Beach Ball Crochet Pillow End Pattern (Make Two)

Round 1: Work 6 sc into a magic loop, pull the loop to tighten, sl st to join (6 sc).
Round 2: Ch 1, 2 sc in same st, 2 sc in each st around, sl st to join (12 sc).
Round 3: Ch 1, sc in same st, 2 sc in next st, *sc, 2 sc, repeat from * around (18 sc).
Round 4: Ch 1, sc in same st, sc, 2 sc, *sc, sc, 2 sc, repeat from * around (24 sc).
Round 5: Ch 1, sc in same st, sc, sc, 2 sc, *sc, sc, sc, 2 sc, repeat from * around (30 sc).
Round 6: Ch 1, sc in same st, sc in each of next 3 sts, 2 sc in next st, *sc in next 4 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around (36 sc). Finish off. Weave in ends. (You can leave one of the ends long and use that to attach the piece to the ball.)

Másik módja az lehet, hogy egybe horgolom a színes cikkeket, és belül folyamatosan vezetem az éppen nem használt szálakat.

Forrás: https://www.craftpassion.com/beach-ball-amigurumi-crochet-pattern/

Begin with white yarn:

Round 1: sc 6 in magic ring {6}

Round 2: [inc] 6 times. {12}

Round 3: [inc, sc] 6 times. {18}

slst to the back loop of next st (don’t count as a stitch).


Change yarn colors (6 colors in a round)

Round 4: make a sl knot on the hook and insert the hook in the first stitch of the round, *[sc 2, inc] repeat each set *[] with new yarn color, a total of 6 sets. {24}


Round 5: *[sc, inc, sc 2] repeat each set *[] by following the color of the previous round, a total of 6 sets. {30}

Round 6: *[sc 4, inc] repeat each set *[] by following the color of the previous round, a total of 6 sets. {36}

Round 7: *[sc 2, inc, sc 3] repeat each set by following the color of the previous round, a total of 6 sets. {42}

Round 8: *[sc 6, inc] repeat each set *[] by following the color of the previous round, a total of 6 sets. {48}

Round 9-16: *[sc 8] repeat each set *[] by following the color of the previous round, a total of 6 sets. {48}

Round 17: *[inv dec, sc 6] repeat each set *[] by following the color of the previous round, a total of 6 sets. {42}

Round 18: *[sc 3, inv dec, sc 2] repeat each set *[] by following the color of the previous round, a total of 6 sets. {36}

Round 19: *[inv dec, sc 4] repeat each set *[] by following the color of the previous round, a total of 6 sets. {30}

Round 20: *[sc 2, inv dec, sc] repeat each set *[] by following the color of the previous round, a total of 6 sets. {24}

Round 21: *[inv dec, sc 2] repeat each set *[] by following the color of the previous round, a total of 6 sets. {18}

slst to the back loop of next st (don’t count as a stitch).


Stuff with polyester fillings.

Change yarn to white color

Round 22: make a sl knot on the hook and insert the hook in the first stitch of the round, [sc, inv dec] 6 times. {12}

Round 23: [inv dec ] 6 times. {6}

Fasten and sew to close the opening. Hide yarn.

Forrás: Pinterest

Természetes készíthetünk foci labdád, csíkos labdát, vagy sima egyzerű gömböt, amit aztán díszítünk. A sima gömb, ami végül is mindennek az alapja az alábbi videó segítségével elkészíthető.

A klasszikus focilabdát szeretnénk meghorgolni, akkor a fekete, fehér panelek elhelyezésére kell majd figyelni összevarrásnál.


Nem csak fekete-fehérben lehet gondolkozni, hiszem ma már nem csak ebben a színben lehet kapni labdát.

Forrás: Pinterest

A nagyi kocka is kitűnő labda minta, kislányoknak ideális választás. 

Forrás: Pinterest

Benti labdázásra kiválóan alkalmas, bár ezzel is le lehet verni a vázát:).


Készíthetjük soronként más-más színnel, így keresztbe lesz csíkos a labdánk.

Forrás: Pinterest

Most ez a blog ilyen rövidke,mint az epekőműtétem a kórházban,  de ha már jól megy a kör, labda, gömb horgolás, ezt a tudásunkat, majd karácsonykor is tudjuk kamatoztatni. Hiszen a gömb, szinte minden amigurumi alapja. 

Forrás: Pinterest

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